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建筑/ P&C案例研究

建筑/ P&C案例研究


A large lawn care and landscape contractor in North Carolina. They have approximately 250 employees, statewide.


We’ve enjoyed a long term relationship with this client and they’d been very successful, earning dividends on the their worker’s compensation for many years. They’d consistently maintained a very low experience modification factor which allowed them to acquire attractive new projects as well as retain existing customers. Several years ago we noticed a spike in their worker’s compensation experience mod due to claims activity that was both frequent and severe. We also noticed automobile claims, especially those involving large payouts to claimants, were also on the rise. We’d been offering quarterly loss control meetings for supervisory personnel for many years, but we recognized we needed to do more.

We added a claims review session to our quarterly meeting for the owners and managers of the company and partnered with them on the common goal of encouraging and promoting safety in the workplace. Our expected outcome was to reduce claim frequency and severity, ultimately reducing their cost of insurance and making them competitive among their peers when bidding new work and retaining existing customers.


To supplement the quarterly meeting we initiated the following solutions:

Our in-house loss control team provided training for employees throughout the year, including the following:

  • Slips, trips, falls
  • 安全驾驶
  • 防御性驾驶培训
  • Lifting (material handling)
  • OSHA 10小时
  • OHSA-30小时
  • Heat related illness and injuries

We helped them acquire services from a national firm to improve fleet safety. Stickers placed on the bumper of each company vehicle provided an 800 number where anyone who observed poor driving habits can call and report that observation. (The client immediately receives an alert and can identify high-risk drivers, repeat offenders and provides a scoring method for documenting driver files.)

Motor Vehicle Reports
We provided guidelines for assessing their motor vehicle reports (MVRs) and they now orders these reports for all new hires and annually for Department of 运输 files as required.

We implemented analytics from a third party vendor to offer a worker’s compensation cost control system. It tracks claims reserves and their ultimate effect on the experience mod.

We helped them acquire proper safety equipment, specifically ear plugs and safety glasses.

We instituted deductibles on all lines of coverage, especially workers compensation, promoting partnership between our client and the insurance companies.

All employees are now tested, both pre-employment and post accident. Random testing is also an option if drug use is suspected.

We instituted a 90 day probationary period for all new employees and a revised employee handbook.

Supervisors now lead team meetings at the beginning of each day to identify potential problem areas or hazards they might encounter on jobsites that day.

Vehicle Maintenance
Every company vehicle is checked daily before leaving the premises to make sure all equipment is in working order.

The client has partnered with their insurance carrier for an online tool that will enable them to quantify safety improvements and turn audit results into track-able action plans.


Their worker’s compensation loss ratio has decreased from a one-time high of 300% to the current year loss ratio of 40%. Their overall total loss ratio for all lines combined has improved 25% in the two years. We’ve been able to maintain all their coverage with one carrier and there have been no automobile losses in the past 12 months.

As a result of our partnership, they now have an increased awareness of how claims affect their profitability and we continue to look for new ways to improve every day.